Carlos Paredes - Movimento Perpétuo

The first song of this trully important record, to Carlos Paredes and to Portuguese and world music, is simply breathtaking to anyone. Be it a guitar player or not. And be it any kind of guitar.
I think people that haven't been born and/or lived in Portugal, listening these songs, might judge them as technical music and that Paredes is a virtuoso. That's ok, and that's not false. But its side -don't know how to call it- sentimental or emphatic stays a little for a second place. Once, Pedro Caldeira Cabral, another excellent guitar player, and that has accompanied Paredes many times during his world tours, said on a radio show that, in Russia, the audience, listening the sound of the Portuguese guitar, simply started to cry. The sound itself, and the way of playing and the melodies created by Carlos Paredes can't be untied to the emotion that makes us feel when we hear it.